Recommended Reading
The following list of sites is a good supplement to the numerous
external links on our
What's So Bad About Microsoft page.
- TheOpenCD - Are you a
Windows user and want to gradually wean yourself off of a dependence
on Microsoft? Download, make a copy from a friend (yes, it's
legal), or order this excellent CD packed with a ton of great open
source software that will give you a taste on Windows of what's
available on open source operating systems like Linux.
You will be getting a fully featured, free office suite, a powerful
photo editor, a cutting edge web browser, and so much more.
Start using
these very high quality, non-Microsoft applications today on
Windows and you can gradually decrease your dependence on Microsoft
at your own pace. Every Microsoft alternative you use helps to
keep choice and innovation in the software industry alive and it
moves you one step closer to being free from
everything that is wrong with Microsoft.
- Boycott Microsoft
- Redmond Roundup
- Anti-Microsoft Association
- Don't Use Internet Explorer
- Google's List of Anti-Microsoft Sites (this is the dmoz list sorted using Google's PageRank order)
On a lighter note...
Reciprocal Links
As of July 21, 2005 we are no longer accepting new reciprocal links. If you sent us a reciprocal link request before, we might still get around to listing it at some point, though we can't guarantee that. You are still welcome to link to KMFMS, it just won't lead to addition to this section anymore. These are the existing set of reciprocal links retained as a courtesy to our early supporters.
Disclaimer: KMFMS does not necessarily endorse the following links.
KMFMS reserves the right to remove reciprocal links at our sole discretion.
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by Timothy W Macinta
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